Announcement WE ARE HIRING TEACHER FOR PGT ENGLISH, WALK IN INTERVIEW ON 11.03.25 (TUESDAY) 9 A.M. - 10 A.M. :: "ADMISSION OPEN (SESSION 2025-26)- PLAYWAY(1.9 YRS+) TO CLASS- IX,XI.Admission Helpline no: 9779444901
  • SCHOOL NO. 20415

Guidelines for Parents

  • The school diary is an important mode of Communication for the parents, students, teachers and the school authorities. Kindly read all the diary pages with your child to ensure proper knowledge of the school system. Circulars containing important information for the parents are regularly sent via the diary. Similarly in case you wish to convey any important information to your child's teachers you can use the diary.
  • Please fill in statement pages and Medical Record Cards.
  • In case you wish to meet the Principal or a Teacher in the school, you can fix an appointment by calling on school phone numbers.
  • When you come to school to drop your children, it is important for you to be dressed properly and not be in your night clothes.
  • You are not permitted to visit your child's classroom during school hours.
  • Kindly ensure that your child does not bring Comics, periodicals, pictures, mobile phones, Cds or any such material to school that does not pertain to his/her academics.
  • Various activities are planned by the school for the enhancement of the child's personality. All parents are expected to co-operate and not restrain their children from participating in the same.
  • The school reserves the right to dismiss students whose diligence or progress in studies is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students.
  • Please be regular in attending Parent Teacher Meetings as these provide an opportunity to bond with the teachers teaching your child. Kindly attend regularly and meet all academics, creative arts and sports teachers your child has interacted with.
  • All articles in your child's possession should be labeled with the child's name and class. If misplaced and not marked, the school bears no responsibility.
  • English is an international language but not the mother tongue of our children, extra efforts need to be made to develop fluency in speaking it. While giving due respect to the vernacular and the national language, it is advisable to ensure that children converse in English as much as possible at home and school.
  • Please ask for any document or certificates in writing. These will be issued a week after receipt of the application.
  • Be available if it is necessary, to discuss aspects of your child's behaviour at school.
  • Check and sign the school diary daily and note the remarks entered by teachers. Remedial measures should be promptly taken.
  • Keep your child at home if he/she is suffering from any contagious disease and send him/her to school only when he/she is completely well, along with the medical certificate.
  • Parents are requested not to approach the teachers for private tuitions as the school does not endorse it.
  • Leave record is to be filled in the school diary and duly signed by the parent.
  • School discourages birthday celebrations in school. No child is allowed to wear casual clothes to school even if it is his/her Birthday.
  • Parents should scrutinize and sign progress reports, answer scripts and the like when requested. Failure to do so will jeopardize the progress of their child.
  • Students should not be sent too early or picked up too late from the school. ( i.e. not earlier than 15 minutes prior to reporting time in the morning and not later than 15 minutes after the school gets over in the afternoon )
  • As per traffic rules, students under 18 are not allowed to drive any vehicle to school.
  • Kindly send tiffins along with the child. No tiffins will be accepted at the school gate due to security reasons.