Announcement WE ARE HIRING TEACHER FOR PGT ENGLISH, WALK IN INTERVIEW ON 11.03.25 (TUESDAY) 9 A.M. - 10 A.M. :: "ADMISSION OPEN (SESSION 2025-26)- PLAYWAY(1.9 YRS+) TO CLASS- IX,XI.Admission Helpline no: 9779444901
  • SCHOOL NO. 20415

School Vision

School Vision

"Education is the most powerful tool ,we can use to transform the world". This echoes the school motto - "Learn Spread Light". We, at GEM (Gateway to Education and Motivation) work with a vision to build strong minds. We believe in and value the truth that "God's wonderful reflections come in the guise of children". We aim to make our students intellectually competent, morally sound and emotionally strong so that they positively respond to all the challenges and grow stronger. In a world full of competition, we are committed to provide productive human beings to the society who can make the difference with all their radiance.